Monday, April 27, 2020

Stundet - F**k You Stundet

Stundet - F**k You StundetWhat is the best thing about blogs, the blogs, in fact about the internet in general? Blogs, of course. If you follow the simple logic that they can bring positive change to the world, which is the only good thing about them.Stundet, a UK newspaper, seems to have forgotten all of this, by bringing up a completely unrelated news story when it should not have been brought up in the first place. The story was not only about another European leader's plans to ditch more coal power plants, it was about financial shenanigans in Dubai, and it was in regard to the UK's plans to abandon nuclear power plants here and there.Therefore, it is indeed strange that Stundet found itself on its knees, in a state of immense shame over this entire episode. If it takes giving such a high profile platform to a reporter, or even to a political advisor, then perhaps the public deserves better.Indeed, if Stundet is determined to avoid such an embarrassing blunder, then it could have simply referred to a specific person, which is already done all the time. However, to refer to a political figure when mentioning a far off topic like Dubai in a piece about a UK policy on nuclear power plants is not only plain childish but also a bit strange.The problem with Stundet, is that when it comes to a blog, what you say has consequences. One of those is that the world will no longer be able to reach its hands over to Stundet for news. We'll also lose quite a number of readers, including those of us who read the online version of the paper, because we no longer see it as a serious outlet.A news site, or even a daily newspaper, is where people and their opinions are discussed freely, even if it goes against the mainstream. Stundet seems to have changed its stance and now that it has totally lost credibility, it has lost its viewers.Thus, while Stundet is not even listening to its readers, it is completely losing its reputation. The choice has to be made, as one last gesture of goodwill, by Stundet, as to whether it really cares for its readers or not.

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